Key Features for Healthcare Websites

Medical websites aren’t what they used to be. While in the past, all you needed was a home page, about page, and list of services, now, patients want sites that help them understand your practice on a deeper level. If you don’t have a website or the one you have isn’t up to par, you’re going to lose out to competitors.

So, what can you do to enhance your healthcare website and tie it into your branding? Make certain you have these key features of a medical practice website.

1. Security

If your website is going to be a tool for gathering any type of patient or potential patient information, it needs to meet the standards of the HIPAA Security Rule. This means using the correct encryption and tools to ensure no outside parties can access the information transmitted through your site.

2. Contact Information

This one is pretty obvious, right? You’d be surprised by how many doctors miss this key medical website feature. Make sure you have your phone number and address displayed in the header or footer on every page and have a dedicated contact page with a map displaying your precise location.

3. Services

Your website is a patientengagement solution, but to get that interaction, you need to help patients see how working with you will benefit them. Service pages make it clear what you can provide and give you the chance to really personalize the content to help your approach shine through.

4. Biographies

Patients want to know who they are working with before they even meet you. On top of giving them a sense of who you are, your bios can be part of your medical marketing strategies, helping you establish yourself as an authority in your area of practice.

5. New Patient Guide

This one both helps with your healthcare digital marketing and reducing wait times at your practice. New patient guides can cover everything from how to prepare for the initial consultation to answering common questions. You should also have your new patient forms here so they can be filled out in advance.

6. Calls to Action

This key feature of healthcare websites can sometimes feel uncomfortable for doctors, who feel like calls to actions come off a little too salesy for their tastes. However, it is essential. Visitors need that push to make a call or fill out your appointment scheduler if you want your website to drive real-life traffic to your practice.

For more information on medical practice marketing, contact Sequence Health.

About John Smith

John Smith: John, a former software engineer, shares his insights on software development, programming languages, and coding best practices.
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